Episode Summary: King Henry VIII summons his doctor to look into his leg injury. The doctor has found that splinters of bone have surfaced, but is unable to make a prognosis. The King remains in his chambers as per the advice of his physician, which is unfortunate for the rebels are drawing near. The Duke of Suffolk meets with the Mayor of London only to learn that his request for artillery and horses has not been fulfilled for the mayor is unwilling to ask his subjects for these fearing that panic will ensue. This angers the Duke of Suffolk who despite managing to disperse the rebels in Lincolnshire with the threat of the King’s royal army and promises of amnesty knows very well that the most dangerous insurrection is yet to come from the North.Continue reading...
The pilgrims have reached the Pontefract Castle in Yorkshire Northern England, and Lord Darcy had written to the King asking for help and urging King Henry VIII to begin a dialogue with the rebels. Lord Darcy hears the pilgrims as they peacefully march towards his castle, and decides to speak to the rebel leaders instead of meeting them with force. Robert Aske leads the way, and declares that they have come in peace. The Pilgrimage of Grace only seeks to bring to an end the destruction of monasteries and abbeys, and the expulsion of evil councilors. Moreover, they desire the preservation of the sovereign King, and make it clear that their quarrel is only with his corrupt and heretic advisers such as Cromwell and Cranmer. Aske solicits the help of Lord Darcy explaining that the pilgrims have taken an oath of nonviolence, and seek only a safe passage through his territory. They, however, will fight if they are met with opposition.
King Henry VIII still nursing his leg injury receives Thomas Cromwell in his bedchamber after receiving Lord Darcy’s letter informing him of his inability to resist the rebels. Knowing the Pontefract Castle to be the gateway to the South, His Majesty orders Cromwell to convey to Lord Darcy that he is to defend his castle at all costs. Unlucky for the King, Lord Darcy had just done the opposite as he warmly welcomes the pilgrims in his castle. His Majesty is livid at the news of Darcy’s betrayal. He has become furiously disappointed with everyone including the Duke of Suffolk who has not quelled the rebellion.
The Earl of Shrewsbury arrives at the Newark Farmhouse where the Duke of Suffolk has stationed his army. Lord Suffolk informs Shrewsbury of their predicament, which includes not having enough men to meet the resistance, and even suspecting that some of his army actually supports the rebels’ cause. Brandon believes that there is no point in attacking the rebels in spite of the King’s orders for he is sure of his army’s defeat. Instead, he decides to parlay with the enemy, a decision he must inform the King. His conjecture is correct for thirty thousand people have joined the Pilgrimage of Grace, and his and Shrewsbury’s army have far less soldiers combined.
News of the Pilgrimage of Grace has reached Castle Gandolpho in Italy, and it pleases both Cardinal Von Waldburg and Father Pole. Cardinal Von Waldburg conveys the Holy Father’s request that Father Pole write a pamphlet denouncing King Henry VIII and his advisers as heretics. Moreover, the Pope appoints Father Pole as a legate with the duty to travel in other countries with the goal of persuading them into providing support for the Pilgrimage of Grace, which the cardinal believes to be a form of a holy crusade. The Pope also makes Father Pole a cardinal, an appointment he at first refuses believing that he is unworthy of being one, but later accepts after Cardinal Von Walburg notes his refusal as pride.
King Henry VIII receives a message from Lord Suffolk conveying his intention to negotiate with the rebels with promises of pardon, but assures the King of not having the intention to keep the promises. This pleases the King who is determined to make an example of the leaders of the rebellion. Lord Suffolk faces the Pilgrimage of Grace and speaks to its leaders only to learn that they have no quarrel with His Majesty, and seeks only the restoration of their monasteries and their ancient rights. Moreover, he hears of the injustice done to them, and their request of the establishment of a new parliament that will hear the sincerest grievances of the people. Lord Suffolk proposes a truce, while two of the leaders present their petition to the King. He then speaks to Lord Darcy in private to urge him to hand over Mr. Aske, but Lord Darcy who believes in the cause refuses to betray Mr. Aske.
Jane Seymour arranges the presentation of Lady Mary Tudor to the court as a gift to her husband, the King, after a period of confinement due to injury. The King declares the desire for some members of his court for the beheading of Lady Mary who faints at the remembrance of this threat. His father, however, assures her that no harm will come her way anymore. In reality, the King is suspicious of his own daughter whom people regard as pure and innocent that he sends Sir Francis to ascertain his daughter’s purity.
King Henry VIII receives Sir Ralph Ellerker and Mr. John Constable in his court after reviewing their petition. The King publicly reproaches the two leaders of the Pilgrimage of Grace calling the rebellion an act against God’s will. He, however, promises them pardon if the rebels surrender and disband. Lord Suffolk pays a visit to the two leaders’ quarters, and hears from Mr. Constable that the pilgrims will not disperse for only a promise of a pardon. Lord Suffolk knew this to be the case beforehand that he had already spoken to His Majesty about it. In fact, he has brought with him a letter in the King’s handwriting promising to deal with the pilgrims openly, fairly, and reasonably. Later that night, Mr. Constable receives a letter slipped under his door and a whisper from a man telling him not to put his trust in Cromwell. Meanwhile, Jane Seymour commends her husband for promising amnesty to the rebels, and urges him to allow the restoration of the monasteries. The King, however, disapproves of her meddling with his affairs, and reminds her of the fate of the previous queens.
Cardinal Pole arrives in Spanish Netherlands carrying a letter from Pope Paul and meets with Diego Hurtado de Mendoza along with the advisers of King Charles V. He informs them of the nature of his visit, which is to seek their help in restoring the true religion in England, one that can be achieved with their support of the Pilgrimage of Grace. Señor Mendoza warns Cardinal Pole that support of the faithful’s uprising may result in the deposition of not only of his wicked counsel but also of the King. Cardinal Pole is very much aware of this, and presents Lady Mary as a possible successor. More startling, is Cardinal Pole’s dynastic claim, proposing that he succeed King Henry VIII if Lady Mary is unable to do so.
Mr. Constable and Sir Ellerker return to Pontefract Castle with the latter delighted to deliver the news of the King’s pardon and his decision to allow the Duke of Suffolk to negotiate with them. Constable, however, disagrees with Ellerker’s news believing that what they received were false promises. He proposes that they continue with their pilgrimage until they have occupied the entire north before they agree to negotiations. Constable bases his distrust on the letter slipped under his door, which is a copy of Thomas Cromwell’s letter informing the Yorkshire gentry that the pilgrims be crushed and be made an example of if they choose not to disperse. Mr. Aske recommends that they continue their vigilance, but they are also to continue with the negotiations with stronger arguments in support of their cause.
The King commends Lord Suffolk of his work with the rebels, and informs him of his desire for peaceful negotiations and his general pardon of the rebels still stands except for their leaders whom he wants punished. Lord Suffolk takes the opportunity to remind His Majesty that the rebels put blame for their actions on Cromwell and seek his removal and punishment. He asks the King how he is to handle their request. King Henry VIII gives Lord Suffolk authority to decide upon their request regarding Cromwell. Lord Suffolk meets with the rebel leaders, and informs them that His Majesty has conceded with their request to establish a parliament in York to hear their grievances. Despite having given the authority to act upon the request regarding the heretics, Lord Suffolk defers the demand to the new parliament, and leaves it to discuss and act upon the issue about the heretics. Moreover, Lord Suffolk concurs that the special parliament will be open to questions regarding papal obedience, and the legitimacy of Lady Mary. Although he confirms of the King’s willingness to bestow general pardon to the rebels, Lord Suffolk however verifies this with hesitation. Concerning the matter of the destruction of the abbeys, which was the stimulus for the pilgrimage, Lord Suffolk informs them with certainty that the destruction of the religious houses will cease until the new parliament meets. Robert Aske addresses the pilgrims to inform them of the successful negotiations where all their demands appear to have been met. He then instructs them to lay down their arms and to return to their homes for they have achieved their cause with much success and without bloodshed. The King’s herald then reads King Henry VIII’s pardon of the rebels. The pilgrims along with their leaders rejoice.
Aske returns home, and receives a message from the King. He has been asked to come to court for the King desires to speak to him with promises of reward and safe return. Constable upon hearing of this message becomes suspicious of the King’s intention. Although Aske and Ellerker believes the King’s intentions to be free of malice, Lord Darcy informs them of his plan to put postal horses between Yorkshire and London such that he will immediately hear of news if any unfortunate event befalls Aske. Lord Darcy vows to call upon the people to congregate once again to demand his deliverance.
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