Sunday, October 7, 2012

Episode 7 Season 1 – The Tudors Episode Summary 1.7

Anne Boleyn survives sweating sickness
Synopsis:  Sir William Compton dies of the sweating sickness, and soon the disease spreads throughout London.  Meanwhile, Cardinal Wolsey sends two lawyers to Orvieto to convince the Pope to annul King Henry VIII’s marriage with Queen Katherine of Aragon.  As the plague continues to spread, Lady Anne Boleyn and Cardinal Wolsey contract the life threatening disease.

Episode Summary: Sir William writhes in pain on his bed in Compton Wynates Warwickshire.  His servants call for a physician who diagnoses him as having contracted the sweating sickness.  The physician with the help of his two servants cuts into the back of the unconscious Sir William having heard that such treatment sometimes cures the illness. Continue reading...

Cardinal Wolsey arrives from Paris, and is immediately met by King Henry VIII and Lady Anne Boleyn.  The Cardinal informs his Majesty of the gifts the King of France had sent him, making them allies once again.  This also means that England is now officially at war with the Emperor.  Although King Henry VIII is pleased to hear of this good news, he is anxious to hear of the matter about his marriage especially since he had just heard that the Emperor is now a proud father of a son; the one thing he desires to have.  Lady Anne mouths to him that he will have a son, and this makes the King smile.  Cardinal Wolsey informs King Henry that he will be sending emissaries to meet the Pope who currently resides in Orvieto.  These lawyers are to pressure the Pope into acceding to King Henry VIII’s desire to invalidate his marriage with Queen Katherine of Aragon.  They are not to leave the town where the Pope resides in wretched discomfort until they have convinced His Holiness to annul the King’s marriage.  To show that he has done his part, Henry VIII declares to have spent countless hours reading about his case, and has made himself believe that his request is born out of spiritual and legal justice.

Queen Katherine of Aragon speaks with a Spanish envoy asking him if he had a chance to speak with her husband, but the man regretfully informs her that Cardinal Wolsey had made it a point that he does not get an audience with the King.  The Spanish envoy, however, tells her that the Emperor has sent a coded letter expressing his undying vow to support Queen Katherine in the matter about her marriage.  In fact, the Emperor has already written to Pope Clement to warn him of King Henry VIII’s intentions.  Moreover, the Emperor has asked the Pope to dismiss Cardinal Wolsey as official legate, and for the Pope to declare that King Henry VIII and Queen Katherine of Aragon are legally married.  This provides some relief to the Queen who trusts in the Emperor more than any man.

Dr. Linacre calls for Mistress Hastings.  He did so as a courtesy to the young woman who was Sir William Compton’s common law wife.  The woman having heard the news of the death of her lover begs to see Sir William’s body despite the risk of contracting the sweating illness herself.  Dr. Linacre informs the grieving mistress that she must burn Sir William’s body, clothing and bedding.

Cardinal Wolsey meets with the lawyers he is sending to meet the Pope, and hands them a letter King Henry VIII personally wrote, thanking His Holiness in advance for attending to his case.  One of the lawyers, Mr. Gardiner, expresses some doubt about the task they are to undertake.  He asks the Cardinal how receptive will the Pope be in hearing their case.  Cardinal Wolsey truthfully informs the young lawyer that he has no idea how the Pope will react, but is hopeful that His Holiness will decide in their favor seeing that he has no quarrel with the King of England.  The Pope is more likely to favor them than the Emperor who happens to be Queen Katherine of Aragon’s nephew given that was he was the one who displaced him from his seat in Rome.  The other lawyer, Edward Foxe, still has doubts knowing that proximity has a hand in winning cases.  Given that the Pope resides at a land where the Emperor rules, and King Henry VIII is miles away from where His Holiness is, Mr. Foxe finds that the odds are not in their favor.  To this, Cardinal Wolsey advises the two young lawyers to resort to threats if the Pope refuses their case.  He tells them that if King Henry VIII’s wishes are not fulfilled then he will simply find other means to get rid of Queen Katherine of Aragon.

Sir Thomas Tallis arrives at Compton Wynates Warwickshire surprised to find the castle stripped off of its furnishings.  Mistress Hastings informs him that the servants began stealing Sir William’s possessions the night he died.  Mistress Hastings was only able to save a small chest Sir William asked to be bequeathed to King Henry VIII.  The young woman tearfully informs Sir Thomas Tallis that Sir William Compton is buried in the churchyard along with the two servants who contracted the sweating illness from him.  Sir Thomas Tallis walks to the churchyard where the body of Sir William Compton rests, and grieves his passing.  In his grief and anger for having lost his lover, he smashes his lyre on the cross that marked Sir William’s grave.

Cardinal Wolsey speaks with the Duke of Norfolk in private to inform him that King Henry VIII has commanded that he return to his estate in East Anglia where he is to supervise grain production and North Sea trade.  Cardinal Wolsey delights in having been the one to deliver the news.  Meanwhile, King Henry VIII receives the small chest Sir William Compton had left him.  He pities the fate of his young friend, and also of Mistress Hastings.  He orders to have the jewels returned to Sir William’s widow, Mistress Hastings, unaware that she too had passed away.  Thinking of his and his other friends’ own well being, he shares with them the pills of Rasis believed to combat the sweating sickness.  He also shares with them a more potent infusion that has a mixture of marigold, manus Christi, sorrel, meadow plant, linseed vinegar, ivory scrapings and sugar.

Sir Thomas Tallis mourns the death of Sir William Compton, and plays for him organ music.  The sound, however, attracted two young women of the court.  The two are twins, but Sir Thomas Tallis claims to be able to tell them apart.  This delights, Joan, whom he singled out much to the annoyance of the other twin.  Sir Thomas Tallis, having lost his male lover, seem to have turned away from his homosexuality and had taken Joan as his new lover.  Unfortunately, Joan had caught the sweating sickness too, and dies from it.

Chamberlain Thomas Boleyn arranges an outdoor feast to introduce King Henry VIII to the new French ambassador, Bishop Jen de Bellay.  Bishop de Bellay assures His Majesty that the war against the Emperor has been favorable to them with their camp besieging the Emperor’s soldiers at Napoli.  He believes that the Emperor will soon surrender and leave Italy.  Lady Anne Boleyn arrives to join the feast, and charms the new French ambassador with her French and the dog she had given him as a gift that she aptly named Wolsey.  A man shouting for the King to go back to his wife interrupts their cheerful chat, but Bishop de Bellay pretends not to have heard it.  On their way back to the castle, a mob of people have gathered in front of it, and an unmistakable stink fills the air.  King Henry VIII learns that the sweating sickness has spread through the city claiming hundreds of lives.  Curiously, King Henry VIII worries about the health of his wife, Queen Katherine of Aragon, but shouts to Lady Anne Boleyn as he is being ushered into the castle to not be afraid.

King Henry VIII immediately calls for Dr. Linacre who informs him of the symptoms of the sweating sickness.  According to Dr. Linacre, victims undergo mental disorientation, fear and apprehension, a foreboding of pain and death.  It appears that those who have contracted the illness have become paranoid.  Moreover, Dr. Linacre claims that one rumor that agitates the victim can even cause a thousand cases of sweat, and this seems to be the method by which the disease spreads.  Dr. Linacre believes that a good wholesome diet can help ward off the disease, and also have heard that working one into a natural sweat through exercise has fought off the sweating sickness.

Fear of the sweating sickness appears to have brought King Henry VIII back to his wife as he kneels beside her as she says her prayer.  Meanwhile, Sir Thomas More speaks to his family telling them that the plague is a punishment from God.  Because they are all sinners, their fate rests in God’s hands, and the only thing they can do is pray and ask for God’s mercy for man’s sinful natures and man’s need for His grace.  They pray to God as a family.  Meanwhile, Charles Brandon has resorted to work up a sweat by aggressively making love to his mistress.

One of Lady Anne Boleyn’s maids has suddenly felt dizzy, and claims to have stomach cramps.  The young maid believes to have contracted the sweating sickness and begins to panic.  Lady Anne goes to her to comfort her, and o assure the young servant that she is not going to die, but the woman lies on the floor wails and cringes in pain.  Soon, King Henry VIII receives a letter from Anne telling him that one of her maids has caught the sweating sickness and died.  Learning of this, King Henry VIII expresses his desire to see Anne, but Cardinal Wolsey advises against it for His Majesty’s own safety.  The King instead sends a message through Wolsey to tell Anne that she must go with her father back to Hever where she is to shut herself up there so she may not catch the disease.  Moreover, the King will send her infusions to guard her from the plague, and will continue to write to her.  Meanwhile, Queen Katherine of Aragon will be sent to Ludlow in Wales where their daughter lives, and prays for their safety.  As for him, King Henry VIII desires to shut himself in his palace in London, and will do every means necessary to keep the sweating sickness at bay.  Cardinal Wolsey recommends keeping as few people around him as possible to reduce the risk of him contracting the disease.

King Henry VIII bids farewell to Queen Katherine of Aragon who has come to believe that her husband is sending her away to be with his mistress.  She quickly learns that the King has sent his mistress away as well knowing that one of her maids has died of the plague.  This seems to delight Queen Katherine who supposes that her husband’s fear of the sweating sickness triumphs over his desire for his mistress.  King Henry VIII denies that Lady Anne is his mistress for he does not sleep with her, and does not intend to while their marriage is still in effect.  However, for Katherine, Henry swearing his love to Anne is as good as sleeping with her.  King Henry VIII, although he desires for Queen Katherine to accept that their marriage is a sham, still wants her to be away from danger.  He orders his wife to leave for Wales.  Queen Katherine falls once again for his husband’s sweet concern, but their amiable conversation is short-lived as King Henry VIII hurries to leave her as though she had already caught the plague.  King Henry VIII promises to write to her, and tells her to send his love and devotion to their daughter.

Lady Anne Boleyn rides to Hever with her father who appears to be worried about sitting beside her.  Soon, Lady Anne claims to have trouble breathing.   She asks to stop the coach, and she alights get some air.  Meanwhile, King Henry VIII does as he had said to Cardinal Wolsey.  He stays at his castle, and keeps only very few company.  He, however, seems to have become paranoid.  He wakes up with a start from his nightmare wherein he eats a fish filled with maggots.  Realizing that he has perspired, he does the other remedy Dr. Linacre had recommended, and begins exercising vigorously much to the surprise of the guard who has been sitting at the foot of his bed.  King Henry VIII goes to confession asking his confessor as to why God appears to disfavor his land so much that He has punished it with the plague.  He wonders if it was him who brought his land and his people misfortune.  He asks for God’s forgiveness not as a King, but as a man.  However, King Henry VIII did not find any response from his confessor.  Wondering what has happened to the priest, he steps out of the confessional box, and opens the curtain only to find a monster instead of the priest.

The two young lawyers finally arrive at Orvieto, Italy.  They are in disbelief to find the Pope’s new residence to be nothing but a castle in ruins with live animals roaming about the filthy palace.  The Pope receives the two young lawyers who informs him that King Henry VIII, the most dutiful and Catholic King of England, Ireland and France has written a letter thanking Him for supporting the annulment of his marriage.  The Pope, however, makes it known to them that he has been made aware that the reason that prompted the King’s request is born out of his vain affection and undue love for Anne Boleyn who is far below King Henry’s rank and virtue.  Moreover, the Pope has been falsely informed that Anne Boleyn is already pregnant and that the King wishes for their child to become the heir to his throne.  The lawyers quickly speaks in support of Anne assuring His Holiness that she is a model of chastity, but can bear children when the time comes.  The two clambers to enumerate Anne’s virtues to show His Holy Father that Lady Anne Boleyn is the most appropriate woman to become the Queen of England.  The Pope wonders what will become of Queen Katherine of Aragon, and learns that King Henry VIII wishes that the Pope will write to her to ask for her compliance with the decision.  When the Pope has declared that he must first read the arguments that the lawyers have brought with them before he could decide, the two envoys panics and hastily warns the Pope that the King has expressed his decision to look for judgment elsewhere if the Pope does not concede to his wishes.  King Henry VIII might resort to live outside the laws of the Church, and beyond the Pope’s authority.  Unfortunately, their threats made no difference as the Pope informs them later on that he is unable to make a judgment on their case.  He, however, appointed Cardinal Campeggio to be his official legate.  The newly appointed legate is to travel to England as soon as the plague is over where he and Cardinal Wolsey will hear and decide upon the merits of their case.

King Henry VIII panics when one of his servants dies of the sweating sickness in front of him.  He flees his court, and seeks shelter with a few of his servants in another castle.  He brings with him Dr. Linacre who smokes all the letters the King receives in an attempt to disinfect them from the plague.  He learns that the Duke of Norfolk has caught the sweating sickness, and had asked to be allowed to return to London to see a doctor.  Cardinal Wolsey, however, has denied his request on behalf of King Henry VIII.  Moreover, Wolsey makes an accounting of the King’s employees and subjects that have died from the plague leaving off the fact that Wolsey seems to have contracted the sickness himself.  In addition, he informs him that Lady Anne Boleyn has caught the sweating sickness, but still survives.  King Henry VIII quickly orders Dr. Linacre to go to Hever Castle and save Anne’s life.

Dr. Linacre attends to Anne Boleyn, but regretfully informs her family that there is no hope for her.  Anne’s vital signs are weak and worsening.  The doctor advises her family to call for a priest.  Meanwhile, Sir Thomas More remains in London with his family.  Her daughter asks him if he is not afraid of death to which he answers no, because he has entrusted his life to God, and believes that he will go to a better place when he dies.  Moreover, there is much more to fear than the sweating illness, and that is Lutheranism.  He is afraid that it has spread across Europe especially among the poor who see the Church as rich and corrupt.  In fact, the heresy has already ignited a peasants’ war in Germany that claimed the lives of many.  Moreover, Lutheranism has already reached England, and Sir Thomas More has been made aware of the secret meetings they are having in London.  He believes that this heresy is a sickness, which should be purged with fire so much so that for a man who does not favor violence, Sir Thomas More believes that Luther and his followers should be seized and burned.

King Henry VIII receives a letter for Sir Thomas More informing him that the sweating sickness has spread through London, Oxford and Cambridge.  Moreover, with His Majesty having fled the city and Cardinal Wolsey falling ill, London is left without a government, and riots have begun.  This news appears to have sparked the King’s paranoia as he sees his reflection turn into a monster, and finds the corpse of Anne Boleyn lying beside him.  Little did he know that Lady Anne Boleyn has recovered from the sweating sickness.  He soon learns of her recovery, and delightfully informs her that the plague has abated in London.  Moreover, the legate who will help decide the annulment of his marriage is already on his way to England.  Cardinal Wolsey has recovered from the sweating sickness as well, and he receives a letter from Anne Boleyn expressing her delight at his surviving the plague.

With the plague abated, all return to London including Queen Katherine of Aragon to pay respect to the late Sir William Compton.  Lady Anne Boleyn arrives shortly after, and King Henry VIII wastes no time to be reunited with her.  The two meet each other outside the castle grounds where they kiss passionately.  King Henry VIII thanks God for saving the life of Anne Boleyn.

Watch Episode 7 of Season 1 of The Tudors
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Anonymous said...

Thx for your post, I really enjoy your blog. Long time lurker, first time commenter, you know the drill. I tried to share this one time before, I don’t think it posted correctly…hopefully it will this time!

Comprehensive Episode Guides said...

Thank you so much for your comment. It truly is a good motivation to write more episode summaries. Sorry to hear that your comment before did not go through. To be honest with you this blog gets more spam comments than real ones, which is why I had activated comment moderation, and sometimes valid comments go straight to the spam folder that sometimes get overlooked. I'll try my best to screen them before deleting.


Anonymous said...

I would like to say thanks very much there is no other place where one can see summaries like this

Comprehensive Episode Guides said...

^You are most welcome! Thank you so much for your comment. I actually want to apologize for not updating the episode summaries for The Tudors. I hope to add more summaries for this show as soon as I get the chance.

Truly yours,