Episode Summary: King Henry VIII appoints Duke Norfolk and Duke Suffolk as presidents of the council, a position, Cardinal Wolsey once had. Despite this new appointment, and Cardinal Wolsey’s banishment from court, the Duke of Norfolk continues to be apprehensive about his position, aware that the king may someday have a change of heart and reinstate Wolsey back in court. Continue reading...
There might be some cause to Duke Norfolk’s anxiety. Cardinal Wolsey, who remains Archbishop of York, now lives in the Church House in Yorkshire that had gone in disrepair. Forced to live an austere life, the cardinal reaches out to the woman who had brought him to his knees with the hope of getting in her good graces. Having kept Anne Boleyn’s letter that promises the cardinal a reward for all his pains and efforts in the event that she is crowned the new Queen of England, Wolsey desperately hopes that she comes through with her promise.
Master Cromwell finds it curious that unlike his predecessor, Sir Thomas More has no intention of vainly displaying the power of his office. However, the new chancellor assures him that he has every intention of using his power to dispel the heretics who appear to have invaded the kingdom. He speaks to him about a sermon of Hugh Latimer, a senior member of Cambridge University. In it, Mr. Latimer states some Church reforms, and added that there is no need for priests or pope on Earth. Sir Thomas More will not be as lenient as Cardinal Wolsey was with heretics.
Unfortunately, Sir Thomas More is unaware that King Henry VIII has already allowed himself to accept heretic teachings as he reads the book Anne Boleyn has shared with him. The book states that the king is the representative of God on Earth, and his law is God’s law. Moreover, it states that the obedience of his subjects is the obedience required by God. Having read teachings that favor the power of the king, Henry finds that it is the book for all kings. Anne Boleyn continues to defame Wolsey as she accuses the man of having deliberately kept hidden the books that have criticized the clergy and reported on its abuse of power. King Henry VIII has taken upon himself the power to resolve all issues in his realm including the annulment of his marriage with Queen Catherine of Aragon. The king appears to have every intention of taking full control of his kingdom, and begins by sharing his opinion to the new Spanish envoy, Ambassador Chapuys. He shares with him his declaration of support for the reformation of the Church. Moreover, he informs him that he would have sided with Luther if only the man had not destroyed the sacraments for he agrees with his claims about the clergy’s vice and corruption.
Meanwhile, Sir Thomas More meets with Mr. Fish, a man exiled during the reign of Cardinal Wolsey. Hearing of Wolsey’s downfall, Mr. Fish has made his way back to England believing that the kingdom has become more tolerant to people like him who authored, A Supplication of Beggars, an appeal to the king to address the abuses of the Church. However, as Sir Thomas More points out, the document actually falsely claims that the Church is treacherous. Moreover, he accuses the priests of taking from the people, but keeping what they have taken for themselves. Sir Thomas More finds Mr. Fish a heretic, and makes an example out of him. Mr. Fish is burned at the stake after refusing to recant his heresy.
Aware of King Henry’s intention to take matters into his own hands, Anne has no doubt in her mind that his rise to the throne is imminent. The court is scandalized when Anne Boleyn appears in court donning a purple gown, the color of royalty. Moreover, Anne announces that she would rather see Queen Catherine hanged than acknowledge her as his mistress. True enough, Henry has every intention to dissolve his marriage with Catherine as soon as possible. Having heard Mr. Cromwell’s opinion that the matter of his divorce is a theological issue and not a legal one, which means that the king should canvass the opinion of theologians at colleges around Europe instead of waiting for a verdict from the courts, King Henry wastes no time to order Mr. Cromwell to put his argument in writing and to visit the universities in Europe to gain the opinion of their theological faculties.
King Henry VIII informs Lord Rochford, Anne Boleyn’s father, that he is to be the Earl of Wilshire and Ormond and has appointed him to be Lord Privy Seal. Moreover, his son George, will now become Lord Rochford, and would therefore now be a member of the council. In addition, he has given Wolsey’s palace at York place to Anne Boleyn, but his greatest gift is his tireless work in finding ways to marry Anne. Having heard of Mr. Cromwell’s thesis, King Henry orders the new Earl of Wilshire and Ormond to visit the Pope and the Emperor at Bologna to present them their new case. Catherine having heard of the new measures Henry has taken to dissolve their marriage is in disbelief for she had believed that her husband would return to reason. Nonetheless, she does not give up hope, and Ambassador Chapuys urges her to do just that despite seeing the court feasting as though Anne and Henry have already wed. He speaks to Sir Thomas More about the disturbing scenes at the feast with Henry flaunting his mistress, but Sir Thomas More turns a blind eye and hides behind his position as chancellor washing his hands from the King’s great matter. The Spanish ambassador, however, warns him that the King may have fallen to the teachings of the reformists to which Sir Thomas More finds unlikely, putting his faith on the person he somewhat reared with his teachings.
Although everything seems to fall in favor of Duke Norfolk, he continues to be restless and he shares his anxiety with the Duke of Suffolk. His apprehension stems from having learned that the king has sent Wolsey an intaglio portrait of himself, which is a sign of goodwill. He supposes that if such display continues, sooner or later, Wolsey will return to his former glory. Duke Norfolk’s fears may be unfounded for Wolsey himself is restless. The fallen cardinal received a letter from Anne Boleyn informing him that she will not speak to the King in his behalf. He, however, has not given hope. He has yet to appeal to another woman whom he believes is far greater than Anne, and far more likely to be kind.
King Henry VIII pays a visit to Queen Catherine of Aragon after learning that she has been feeling unwell and has seen a physician. After having an amiable conversation about their daughter, Catherine surprises the King with her knowledge of him sending Mr. Cromwell to canvass the opinions of theologians. She even goes as far as to threaten the King with getting more theologians on her side.
Assuming full control of his kingdom is taking a toll on Henry, and he shows his disappointment with his council as he informs them of reports about the dissatisfaction throughout his realm. Moreover, his exchequer has run dry, which forces them to borrow money at a biting rate. King Henry VIII turns to the presidents of his council who have done a terrible job at managing his kingdom, and finds that Cardinal Wolsey despite his flaws has done a far better job than the men who replaced him. Having realized the great work Wolsey has done for the kingdom, thanks to the incompetence of his new councilors, the King has begun considering pardoning Wolsey and restoring him to royal favor. Already in the King’s disfavor, the Duke of Norfolk finds no other choice, but to agree with the King and acknowledge Wolsey’s talents. Anne Boleyn is in disbelief with Duke Norfolk, his uncle who was the primary instigator of the cause to bring down Wolsey.
Wolsey sends a letter to Queen Catherine of Aragon offering a rapprochement between him and the Queen, the Emperor and Rome. Moreover, he had recommended a coup in the form of a papal edict that orders Henry to leave Anne, and to return to his marriage. With this agreement, the Emperor will offer his financial and moral support, and would call for the reinstatement of Wolsey as chancellor. Hearing of this ingenious plan, Wolsey seems to have found in Catherine an unlikely ally.
Mr. Cromwell arrives with news of universities showing their support for the King, but Henry is not pleased for many have still voted against him. Adding to his disappointment, the Earl of Wilshire and Ormond returns with news of not getting an audience with the Emperor, and failing to speak to the Pope. Moreover, he returns with a papal edict ordering King Henry VIII to banish Lady Anne Boleyn from court and prohibits him from remarrying while the papal curia is deciding his annulment. Meanwhile, Ambassador Chapuys reached out to the wrong person about a plea to use his great influence to prevent the threat against the Church. Reaching out to the Earl of Wilshire and Ormond, Ambassador Chapuys learns that the man is a heretic who denounces the apostles going as far as accusing them to have built a church upon their lies. Ambassador Chapuys scandalized and enraged with the court’s behavior informs Queen Catherine of his decision to leave, but vows to tell the Emperor of the Queen’s plight and the unkindness she endures from the King. Catherine, however, truly a queen to her people, orders him to tell the Emperor not to use force against King Henry or his people.
Soon Mr. Cromwell learns of how the papal edict has come to be. Wolsey’s private physician, Augustus de Augustini, with the help of Mr. Wyatt, informs Mr. Cromwell that Wolsey had conspired with Queen Catherine to seek out the help of the Emperor and the Pope against King Henry in the hope of restoring his power. Mr. Cromwell wastes no time to inform the King, and soon the Duke of Suffolk and his men arrest Wolsey and charges him with treason. Wolsey having fallen so far from grace that while imprisoned in London has decided to take his own life. Although, it was with the King’s approval that Wolsey was arrested, Wolsey continues to have a place in the King’s heart for Henry was very much saddened with the news of his suicide, but orders Mr. Cromwell to keep Wolsey’s manner of death a secret.
Meanwhile, Sir Thomas More receives news from Bishop Fisher that the king has ordered the arrest of senior clergymen that recognized Wolsey’s authority. Sir Thomas More in return informs Bishop Fisher that there is a statute before the parliament that declares the King is above the law in matters of both temporal and spiritual, and therefore should answer to God alone. With or without his divorce, and in spite of the papal edict, King Henry VIII could no longer contain his lustful desire for Anne Boleyn that the two begin to make love in the forest, but Anne pushes him away at the height of their lovemaking remembering her father’s instructions to prolong his Majesty’s interests. It is as painful to her as it is to him, but King Henry VIII’s anger is unmistakable.
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I wish to have Season 2. Your writing is extraordinary!
Thank you so much for your comment. It motivated me to begin writing season 2 episode summaries. You should see one published starting this April.
Thanks again and happy reading.
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